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2nd International Conference on
Service Oriented Computing

New York City, NY, USA
November 15-18, 2004


Canfora G., Di Penta M. Esposito R. and Villani M. L., A Lightweight Approach for QoS-Aware Service Composition, Proc. of The Second International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 04), New York City, NY, USA,  IBM Research Report RA221(W0411-084), pp. 36-47, November 2004

Full Text



One of the most challenging issues of service–centric software engineering is the QoS–aware composition of services. The aim is to search for the optimal set of services that, composed to create a new service, result in the best QoS, under the user or service designer constraints. During service execution, re-planning such a composition may be needed whenever deviations from the QoS estimates occur. Both QoS–aware composition and re-planning may need to be performed in a short time, especially for interactive or real–time systems. This paper proposes a lightweight approach for QoS–aware service composition that uses genetic algorithms for the optimal QoS estimation. Also, the paper presents an algorithm for early triggering service re-planning. If required re-planning is triggered as soon as possible during service execution. The performances of our approach are evaluated by means of numerical simulation.







Service Oriented Computing (SOC) is the new emerging paradigm for distributed computing and e-business processing that is changing the way software applications are designed, architected, delivered and consumed. Services are autonomous platform-independent computational elements that can be described, published, discovered, orchestrated and programmed using standard protocols for the purpose of building agile networks of collaborating business applications distributed within and across organizational boundaries.

Combined with recent developments in the area of distributed systems, workflow management systems, business protocols and languages, services can provide the automated support needed for e-business integration both at the data and business logic level. They also provide a sound support framework for developing complex business transaction sequences and business collaboration applications.

Adopting the service oriented computing paradigm has the potential to bring about reduced programming complexity and costs, lower maintenance costs, faster time-to-market, new revenue streams and improved operational efficiency.

However, before the service oriented computing paradigm becomes reality, there is a number of challenging issues that need to be addressed including among other things service modeling and design methodologies, architectural approaches, service development, deployment and composition, programming and evolution of services and their supporting technologies and infrastructure.

This conference aims to bring together researchers and developers from diverse areas of computing and developers to explore and address these challenging research issues in order to develop a common research agenda and vision for service oriented computing.

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